Empowering Survivors

ABC Nepal’s Vocational Training Programs

ABC Nepal’s commitment to the recovery and empowerment of trafficking and violence survivors extends into the realm of vocational training. Across Nepal, ABC Nepal offers a variety of training programs designed to equip survivors with practical skills, aiding their integration into society and the workforce, thereby fostering both personal and economic independence.

Each of ABC Nepal’s rehabilitation facilities provides vocational training tailored to the local market and the needs of the survivors. These programs not only teach technical skills but also focus on developing soft skills such as confidence, teamwork, and communication, which are essential for personal development and career success.

Kathmandu: Comprehensive Skill Development

In Kathmandu, the training programs are comprehensive, offering a range of skills from basic computer literacy to advanced beauty and hairdressing courses. The center partners with local businesses and professionals to provide up-to-date training that meets current industry standards.

Impact in Kathmandu:

  • A significant number of graduates from the Kathmandu center have secured employment in local businesses, or have started their own ventures, especially in the beauty industry.

Pokhara: Focus on Hospitality and Tourism

Given Pokhara’s status as a tourist hub, the training programs here are centered around hospitality and tourism. Survivors can enroll in courses such as hotel management, culinary arts, and customer service, which are in high demand in this region.

  • Impact in Pokhara:

Graduates from the hospitality and tourism programs often find employment in Pokhara’s booming hotel and tourism sector, with some even moving on to work in international hospitality chains.

Biratnagar: Agricultural and Textile Training

In Biratnagar, the focus is on agricultural practices and textile manufacturing, reflecting the region’s economic base. Programs include organic farming techniques, which support sustainable agriculture, and sewing and textile design, which help integrate survivors into the local garment industry.

Impact in Biratnagar:

  • Many participants have used their training to start small-scale agricultural ventures or join existing agribusinesses, boosting local economies and promoting sustainable practices.

Dharan: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Training

Dharan’s programs emphasize entrepreneurship and small business management, aiming to empower survivors to become self-employed or start their own businesses. Training includes basic accounting, business management, and marketing.

Impact in Dharan:

  • Numerous survivors have successfully launched small businesses, contributing to the economic diversity of the region and gaining financial independence.
A Path Forward

ABC Nepal’s training programs for survivors are more than just skill-building initiatives; they are a vital pathway to empowerment, self-sufficiency, and reintegration into society. By providing survivors with the tools to succeed in various industries, ABC Nepal helps rebuild lives and restore confidence.

Learn more about our work and what we do here.


  • How can one contribute to or support these training programs?

Contributions can be made through donations, providing training materials, or volunteering as a trainer. For more details, please contact us.

Contributions can be made through donations or by volunteering in various capacities.

  • What makes these training programs effective?

The effectiveness of these programs lies in their tailored approach, which considers the local economic context and the personal aspirations of the survivors, combined with ongoing support and mentoring.